What is the Salon of Doubt?

The Salon will be a curated evening of people talking about their creative work, it will be a place where you can share your anxieties as well as your enthusiasms.
I’m tired of certainty. The unbending will of people who don’t and aren’t prepared to listen to others exhausts me. There is no future in certainty, only doubt. I like people that are not sure about things, even themselves. People who take themselves too seriously, seriously terrify me.
If you doubt, if you worry, if you are unsure, it means you care. You are human.
The Art Workers’ Guild is an association of 500 members that between them work in over 60 individual practices within the world of Art and Design. You will find among its members hat makers, stone carvers, painters, potters,
weavers, conjurors, architects, surgeons and dreamers.
Although the Salon of Doubt is run by the Art Workers’ Guild, it will not exclusively be the voice and for the ears of its members alone. Its purpose is to elicit and encourage people from outside the Guild to also attend and participate in the evenings programme. Hopefully this outreach will be beneficial to everyone involved.
Although the AWG membership is principally drawn from within the world of art and design the Salon of Doubt hopes to attract people from the worlds of music, performance, writing, film making and any other creative practice, the principle request is that contributors represent themselves and their work with honesty and with a questioning curiosity.
The Salon is not a panel of judgement, it only intends to be an enjoyable evening of thought and idea sharing - this hopefully will be found to be both inspiring and entertaining by the people attending who have come with open ears and open hearts.
I’m tired of certainty. The unbending will of people who don’t and aren’t prepared to listen to others exhausts me. There is no future in certainty, only doubt. I like people that are not sure about things, even themselves. People who take themselves too seriously, seriously terrify me.
If you doubt, if you worry, if you are unsure, it means you care. You are human.
The Art Workers’ Guild is an association of 500 members that between them work in over 60 individual practices within the world of Art and Design. You will find among its members hat makers, stone carvers, painters, potters,
weavers, conjurors, architects, surgeons and dreamers.
Although the Salon of Doubt is run by the Art Workers’ Guild, it will not exclusively be the voice and for the ears of its members alone. Its purpose is to elicit and encourage people from outside the Guild to also attend and participate in the evenings programme. Hopefully this outreach will be beneficial to everyone involved.
Although the AWG membership is principally drawn from within the world of art and design the Salon of Doubt hopes to attract people from the worlds of music, performance, writing, film making and any other creative practice, the principle request is that contributors represent themselves and their work with honesty and with a questioning curiosity.
The Salon is not a panel of judgement, it only intends to be an enjoyable evening of thought and idea sharing - this hopefully will be found to be both inspiring and entertaining by the people attending who have come with open ears and open hearts.